So, where do you find the best roofing products in Nairobi and why is this important? A roofing decision is a lifetime decision and one that should be made with a total understanding of what you are up against.
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As your last line of defense against inclement weather, your choice of roofing says a lot about the quality of safety, weatherproofing, and cost savings you are going to get from your residential or commercial property. In other words, as you approach your roofing investment, you want to make sure it is a solid investment to last you a lifetime without thinking about repairs.
To achieve that, you need the highest-quality roofing products. Put simply, the best roofing material is a fundamental part of your equation for the best building materials!
While there are different roofing materials in Kenya, iron sheets (locally known as “mabati”) are the most common ones in the Kenyan market. Furthermore, Kenyan iron sheets come in different types, each promising a unique finish both aesthetically and functionally. Being that many varied options, the arduous responsibility of choosing the best one for your building rests with you.
Fortunately for you, Pioneer Hardware is your local friend when it comes to finding the best roofing products to suit your unique project needs. Whether you have a roofing project coming up in Ruaka, Kiambu, Nairobi, or their environs, we are your go-to hardware store for the best locally sourced roofing products.
We only work with proven roofing suppliers in Kenya to guarantee long-lasting results. Being local suppliers, you can be sure your roof will be well attuned to the local environmental conditions to serve you well.
Call us today to place an order of high-quality, durable, and attractive roofing products!
So, what are the popular types of iron sheets you can expect to find at Pioneer Hardware? Before delving into the types, let’s first highlight the factors to consider before spending your hard-earned money on Kenyan iron sheets.
What are the factors to consider before buying roofing products in Kenya?
When you turn to Pioneer Hardware for your roofing solutions, our attendants are well versed in different roofing materials and will always strive to align your needs accordingly. To successfully do that and find you the best personalized roofing, our roofing experts will walk you through several factors to consider before settling on a particular iron sheet for your project.
Usually, our first assessment is on the type of house you want to roof, the intention of roofing, and the duration of using the roof. As a rule of thumb, iron sheets are best suited for permanent houses and can turn out to be quite costly for temporary houses.
Once we have established these reasons, we then proceed to recommend the ideal iron sheet based on:
· Gauge
The gauge of an iron sheet represents the standard thickness of the sheet. The lower the gauge number, the thicker the mabati and hence the heavier it will be. Typically, Kenyan mabatis come in several gauges including gauge 18, gauge 20, gauge 24, gauge 26, gauge 28, gauge 30, and gauge 32.
That said, generally, heavy mabatis will cost more than lighter ones. However, the kind of protection and durability you end up getting is worth the higher price point. At the end of the day, you want to make sure you choose your preferred option based on your budget and unique roofing needs.
· Length and width
Generally, the Kenyan mabati comes in different lengths including 2 meters, 2.5 meters, and 3 meters. That said, as the mabati length varies, its width remains constant. In most mabatis, the width usually measures 0.85 meters.
Not sure the right length for your house? When you consult with our experts, we will help you determine the best length to suit your house based on its size and roof design.
· Cost
The price of mabatis in Kenya can vary considerably. As a rule of thumb, the heavier the gauge and the greater the length of the iron sheet, the costlier it will be. That said, instead of opting for the least budget spend, we recommend investing in the best mabati for your unique roofing needs.
· Color
Typically, Kenyan iron sheets come either colored or in plain color. Plain-colored iron sheets tend to be cheaper and you can easily apply your choicest color if you so wish once installed. On the other hand, pre-colored mabatis come in different custom colors and are hence costlier. The most popular colors you can find in the Kenyan market include but are not limited to green, black, red, and blue.
How do you choose the right mabati gauge for your building project?
As initially stated, the smaller the gauge number, the thicker the mabati. The thickness is usually determined through a micrometer screw gauge calibrated in millimeters. For example, gauge 30 corresponds to a thickness of 0.25mm and gauge 16 to 1.2mm, and so on.
So, which gauge best suits your project? While every building project comes with its own unique requirements, generally, roofing projects fall into three categories that will ultimately dictate your choice of roofing gauge: general roofing, cladding, and flooring application.
General Roofing
Typically, gauges 28 and 30 come highly recommended by roofing manufacturers for residential projects. Gauge 32 is less preferred because it is considered to be extremely light. Thus, it is highly susceptible to bending or denting during installation.
For large industrial projects like Go Downs, manufacturers recommend gauges 28, 26, and 24 as they are thicker and more durable to support heavy-duty structures.
Cladding simply means adding another layer of material to your building for insulation, weather resistance, and aesthetic purposes. It usually involves installing corrugated mabatis on the walls of your bathrooms, bedrooms, fences, gates, and flower boxes to exemplify drama in your structures.
Quite simply, think of cladding as that construction site or private property you came across that had mabati for its fence. Now, with that picture in mind, roofing manufacturers recommend gauges 26 and 24 for such applications.

Flooring applications
With the advancement toward more durable and sustainable structures, building contractors have found a new, smarter way to reinforce structural integrity. Instead of laying just a wire mesh before pouring a concrete slab, contractors have added some creativity to the pile.
They nowadays combine powerful iron sheets with the wire mesh for more durable outcomes. For such purposes, roofing manufacturers recommend gauges 20 and 18 mabatis.

In summary, therefore, if your budget allows you to afford gauges 20 and 18 mabatis for your residential building, go for it! But, would it be the best option in such a case? Absolutely not!
Remember, the thicker your mabati, the heavier it will be. This heaviness is ultimately transferred to your house with the risk of potential structural damage. In other words, a heavy roof exerts unnecessary pressure on your house and according to roofing experts, this may likely cause your roof to cave in.
It is no wonder gauges 28 and 30 mabatis remain the most ideal for residential projects. Why? Because they strike the best balance between light and heavy roofing.
The truth is that choosing an extremely light mabati means inviting trouble as the roof may easily get blown off by strong winds. On the flip side, picking an extremely heavy mabati adds the risk of your structure caving in due to excess weight.
Still unsure of the best mabati gauge for your residential or commercial roofing in Ruaka, Kiambu, or Nairobi? Well, contact Pioneer Hardware for free consultations!
What are the most popular mabati brands in Kenya?
Having understood the key considerations for making informed buying decisions, time to shift the focus to some of the proven mabati brands you can find at Pioneer Hardware.
As earlier mentioned, we only partner with reputable suppliers for the best roofing products. Therefore, you can find all types and sizes of mabatis for different roofing situations at our Ruaka store.
Finding everything under one roof not only affords you a wide selection to choose from but also saves you time otherwise wasted hopping from supplier to supplier trying to find the best roofing type.
With that in mind, below we highlight the most popular brands from the best mabati manufacturers in Kenya:
- Royal Mabati Factory Ltd.: Corrugated Profile, Roman Longtile, Bricktile Profile, Box Profile, etc.
- Mabati Rolling Mills: Elegantile, Zentile, DumuZas, Versatile, Dumurangi, Resincot, etc.
- Maisha Mabati Mills Ltd.: Maisha Tile, Maisha Alu-Zinc Mabati, Maisha Mabati 11/3, Maisha Mabati Cover, etc.
- Ruiru Mabati Rolling Mills: Jenga Tile, Box Profile, Bricktile Profile, etc.
- Super Mabati: Sancot roofing sheets, Box Profile roofing sheets, Super Tiles, Corrugated iron sheets, etc.
- Imarisha Mabati Ltd.: Imarisha Box, Wave Tile, Mettro Tile, Bamboo Tile, Imarisha Prime, Imarisha Classic, etc.
- Rhino Mabati Factory Ltd.: Jamii Tile, Roman Jamii Tile, Box Jamii Tile, etc.

All of the aforementioned roof manufacturers afford you a broad selection of roofing materials that are all visually appealing, easy to install, lightweight, eco-friendly, and fire-resistant. In particular, when it comes to iron sheets, these companies produce the finest mabatis in different materials including zinc, copper, tin, and aluminum.
Thanks to the infusion of top-notch technology in their production, the final roofing material ends up being not only weatherproof and long-lasting but also of the highest quality in terms of different gauges, sizes, shapes, and colors for the best building project customizations.
What are the common types of mabatis in Kenya?
Mabatis in Kenya vary greatly depending on the design a manufacturer chooses to adopt. The most distinct design elements that roof manufacturers leverage are the shape and style of the ridges defining the iron sheet.
With that in mind, here are the most popular mabati types and designs you can choose from:
· Corrugated sheets
Corrugated mabatis are characterized by a linear pattern of alternating ridges and valleys. This unique pattern adds strength to the mabati while reinforcing sheet integrity. Thus, they tend to outrank their flat counterparts made from the same material in terms of structural soundness.
That said, corrugated sheets may vary further according to the material and finish. Some of the options available include galvanized steel sheets, polyester-coated sheets, PVC plastisol sheets, and bitumen sheets.

Galvanized sheets
Galvanized mabatis are corrugated sheets coated with Zinc. The Zinc coating provides an extra layer of strength to boost the lifespan of the mabati. This layer acts as a restrictive barrier against oxygen and moisture, preventing them from reaching and reacting with the underlying steel and resulting in rust. Galvanized sheets can either be installed plain (bare) or painted to your liking.
Polyester paint coated sheets
The additional polyester coating in these corrugated mabatis reinforces the durability of your roof. Thanks to their 10 to 15-year lifespan, these mabatis are ideal for agricultural structures but can also be applied domestically with a selection of colors to blend in any setting.
While more affordable than galvanized steel sheets, these corrugated sheets demand frequent maintenance after installation.
PVC plastisol-coated sheets
This is another highly durable corrugated mabati that you can adopt for your structure. It comprises a primer-treated steel sheet coated with PVC. The extra coats boost the lifespan of the roof by up to 30 years. What’s more, the extra layers result in a more lightweight roof that’s highly weatherproof.
Bitumen sheets
These are corrugated sheets layered with a bituminous waterproofing membrane. Therefore, being waterproof corrugated mabatis, they guarantee longevity and durability.
· Sheet metal roofs
These are also called box iron (box profile) roofing sheets. Unlike corrugated mabatis, their curvatures (ridges and valleys) are not as pronounced. They are considered one of the most versatile and toughest roofing materials in the Kenyan market.
In other words, they combine sturdy steel sheets and strong box profile corrugations for unmatched durability. That means they can more effectively offer impact and corrosion resistance. They can as well be layered with zinc for an improved fighting chance against rust.
That said, while box profile roofing sheets guarantee excellent protection, they do quite poorly in terms of aesthetics. Thus, they may not be suitable for residential structures if you are looking for an elegant appearance. Mostly, they find their application in garages, garden buildings, commercial, and agricultural structures.

· Polycarbonate sheets
These mabatis are specially crafted from high-quality polypropylene resin to make them not only lightweight but also easy to cut. Thanks to their PH neutrality, these sheets can reliably withstand high temperatures without compromising on stability. What’s more, they are made to be insulators to minimize heat entry into a structure.
That said, polycarbonate sheets are most ideal for large industrial and commercial structures owing to their unrivaled performance. They owe their top-notch performance to the infusion of incredible fire resistance and longevity in their composition. Additionally, these mabatis come in different functional varieties including ultraviolet protection and corrosion inhibition.
However, with all these unmatched benefits, expect to part with relatively more money when deciding to install polycarbonate roofs.

· Plastic sheets
While not the most durable of roofing options, plastic mabatis still come in handy in certain unique situations. For instance, in the case of temporary projects or small structures.
The strength, durability, and affordability of plastic sheets will depend on the type of plastic you choose from. Typically, you can choose from acrylic, polystyrene, or PVC. The stronger the material, the costlier the roofing sheet will be.

Work with a proven roofing supplier!
It is no secret your roof speaks volumes about the aesthetics of your residential or commercial building. Therefore, if you want nothing short of neat, enduring, and head-turning aesthetics, only source the right roofing materials. These you can only find from a reputable supplier of building materials with a solid track record of successful, still-standing projects.
If you are in and around Ruaka, Kiambu, or Nairobi, Pioneer Hardware fits the description of a reliable supplier. Our attendants are deeply knowledgeable in different varieties of mabatis to line up perfectly with your unique project needs.
What’s more, if you are unsure of what your next roof should look like or behave like, we will gladly discuss with you several recommendations to help you find a satisfactory option.
Have you been looking for attentive customer service in your shopping for the best roofing material? Visit Pioneer Hardware Ruaka today or contact us on 0723364999 to access some of the finest roofing solutions in Kenya!