Welding Rods per kg

KSh 300



Are you in need of welding rods within Kiambu, Ruaka, or Nairobi? Stop by our hardware store today to check out our high quality affordable welding rods. Welding rods are commonly used during stick welding, so if you have a welding project coming up, get in touch with us today to order welding rods.

Features of welding rods

  • Can be used with DC or AC polarity
  • Have great operating characteristics in all types of positions
  • Are easy to use
  • Can be used on galvanized steel or steel surfaces that have paint, rust, or scale
  • Are affordable

Order welding rods today

Ready to get started on your welding project? Visit our hardware store to order welding rods within Kiambu, Nairobi, or Ruaka.


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