Welding Helmet

KSh 650



Looking for a welding helmet in Nairobi, Kiambu, or Ruaka? Make a visit to our hardware store to get the latest high quality welding helmet in the market. A welding helmet is a head gear that is normally worn during welding processes.

Benefits of a welding helmet

Below are a few reasons why you should wear a welding helmet during welding processes

  • It protects your eyes, neck, and face from flash burn
  • The welding helmet shields your face and neck from both ultraviolet and infrared light
  • It protects you from excess heat produced during welding
  • The helmet has a lens shade that helps provide better vision through the sparks produced during welding

Get a welding helmet today

Give us a call to order a welding helmet within Nairobi, Ruaka, and Kiambu.

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